Nikolai made a career change and entered as a trainee - somewhat older than average
At the age of 58, it is not a given to change careers and enter a field you have never worked in before. Especially not starting as a trainee! Fortunately for us, Nikolai Irgens took the chance.

02. January 2023
I thought it was great fun starting as a trainee, and I had no prior knowledge of IAM.
Nicolai Irgens was certainly not completely green. He has worked in the IT industry since 1995 and had a background in programming and development. Even if Nikolai had not come across Identity and Access Management as a separate subject, the content was not completely foreign to him.
Cloudworks Academy
As a trainee in the Cloudworks Academy, Nikolai was included in the buddy program, where he was able to combine practical work in IAM projects with a learning program.
– I think it has been absolutely brilliant. For the first few weeks, I got to be with my assigned buddy Kristian when he was on assignments with customers. I got to see how he proceeded and which solutions he chose, and I was followed up, looked after and included, says Nikolai.
– The first time I had to go alone to a customer, I was terrified at the same time as I thought it was great fun! First of all, I was very proud of the trust Cloudworks showed me. I had received a thorough introduction to the products, and it was wonderful to throw myself into it and feel a sense of mastery.
From New Year's rocket to a full-fledged IAM consultant
Nikolai was described as the company's own New Year's rocket in social media when he started since it was just after Christmas that year. It proved an apt metaphor. Since then, he has developed at record speed, and among other things has achieved becoming "Certified Expert", which is the highest certification level for the Identity Manager product from NetIQ by OpenText.
Nikolai has gone through an incredible learning curve and is now a full-fledged IAM consultant. He works on various exciting projects, including as one of the consultants in the Cloudworks IAM DevOps team to streamline access management for Bærum municipality.
Never too old to learn
For Nikolai, the choice to start as a trainee in Cloudworks was absolutely right, and he says that he has felt well received and welcomed since he started.
– I am very impressed that they took the chance to accept someone my age as a trainee. You are never too old to learn!
And precisely being able to learn new things is one of the things he greatly appreciates. In addition to competence days, regular meetings are held for the various technologies, so that the consultants can continuously develop. Nikolai is working towards becoming certified in several Micro Focus products and continues to learn and develop his skills within Identity and Access Management as well as Identity Governance.
I have heard it said that no one has been in their last hours of their life and regretted that they were not more at work. But I have often thought that it is so nice to be at work that I would like to be here more. It is an absolutely fantastic working environment. There are nice colleagues, satisfied customers and also a good social environment. Even on a perfect Sunday afternoon, I look forward to Monday morning!