IAM support
Cloudworks' support guarantees available IAM consultants for ad hoc assistance in the event of errors or minor changes. Our support team consists of qualified IAM consultants with relevant product experience, as well as a comprehensive understanding of the company's IAM solution and customizations provided by us.
The product support that a technology vendor provides is usually limited to product-related errors and doesn't take into cover the totality of the solution such as integrations, information flow, and external sources. For that reason, our service works complementary to product support.
IAM support is a subscription service provided on the basis of Service Level Agreements.
Technical Account Manager (TAM)
A Technical Account Manager is the company's professional sparring partner within IAM. A TAM ensures optimal utilization of the company's investment in the IAM solution and assists in the long-term planning of extensions and adaptations.
Technical Account Manager is a subscription service that includes:
- Information and recommendations related to product updates and new functionality that is relevant for the customer
- Quarterly status meetings for reviewing the current status and for planning ahead. More frequent meetings or regular meetings can be arranged if needed
- Prioritized access to ad hoc assistance in case of an emergency

IAM DevOps
The work with information security is a continuous process and should, therefore, be continuously adapted to the company’s development. This also applies to the IAM platform in conjunction with the roll-out of new functions and applications. Larger environments with a higher rate of change places demands on development and change processes.
Cloudworks IAM DevOps is a service framework where we combine product expertise with a flexible delivery model according to the “Lean” methodology. Continuous prioritization, focus on user experience and utility value, divisions into smaller projects ("sprints"), and early testing characterizes the framework. Cloudworks’ IAM DevOps team strengthens the customer’s existing management services and ensures predictable and cost-effective development with high quality.
Bærum municipality streamlines access control with IAM DevOps
Bærum has a wide range of municipal services and businesses, which involves a very complicated access structure. This entailed enormous time-consuming manual processes, and there was a need to automate as much of the processes as possible and streamline the rest.
With Cloudworks IAM DevOps and the NetIQ platform from Micro Focus, Bærum municipality has efficient access control and IAM management.
Read more about Cloudworks IAM DevOps for Bærum municipality