Experienced IAM architect strengthens Cloudworks' Scandinavian initiative

Experienced IAM architect strengthens Cloudworks' Scandinavian initiative

Emina Karic has over ten years of experience as an IAM architect and developer, and an impressive depth of knowledge within the Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM). In August 2022, she became the very first employee of Cloudworks in Sweden.

IAM is my profession

– I've always been interested in data, and even as a child, I worked on my own projects at home, says IAM architect Emina Karic.

The decision to study computer science at the University of Lund was, therefore, a natural choice. Somewhat more coincidentally, she eventually specialized in Identity and Access Management.


– My first assignment after my studies was as a Java developer on a project that needed to manage data identities. The client was rolling out a new IT platform and wanted me to help automate some security processes, she says, and continues:

– I embraced the challenge, and since then, IAM has been my profession!

Easy to say yes to Cloudworks!

Emina has never regretted her decision to pursue a career in IAM.

– It's been exciting throughout. The field is so diverse, and there are always new technologies and integrations to immerse myself in, she says.

The IAM architect has several years of experience with large international companies, and since August 2022, it's been Cloudworks' clients benefiting from her expertise.

– I had actually worked with several from Cloudworks before - through collaborations with a previous employer - and knew I was joining a place with skilled and pleasant people in a relaxed and nice atmosphere. So it wasn't hard to say yes when Cloudworks approached me, she smiles.

The most significant difference from previous workplaces is how fast it goes from idea to finished product here at Cloudworks.


Strengthens the Scandinavian initiative

Emina was the company's first hire in Sweden, and her home office on the east coast of Skåne was, in a way, also Cloudworks' Swedish head office for a time.

– Working from home works really well, and collaborating with clients and colleagues in Norway and Denmark is seamless. Besides, I've visited our offices in Oslo and Copenhagen several times - it's nice to meet people face-to-face too!

In the fall of 2023, Max Rosencrantz started as Country Manager in Sweden, spearheading the Swedish effort, which you can read more about here. He's now working to expand and bolster the Swedish team while advising both current and potential clients on how our IAM services can protect them from cyber threats, reduce the risk of unauthorized access, and ensure a seamless user experience.

Max and Emina, former colleagues, are thrilled to be working together again!

Max is the ideal leader for Cloudworks Sweden. He has IAM expertise, his heart in the right place, and a clear vision, says an enthusiastic Emina.



Varied workday

– As an IAM architect, you can have different roles in a project, says Emina Karic, explaining that a lot depends on the relationship and knowledge of the client.

– Sometimes I know the client best. Then it's natural to have a broad responsibility, act as a tech lead, and advise the client on everything from product purchases to organization. Other times, it's more natural to have a more limited, supportive role, she says.

She highlights Okta projects as examples of the latter:
– One of the coolest things about working here is the opportunity to learn about new products and technologies. Right now, I'm learning more about Okta, something I haven't worked with before. So, I don't go into projects as a tech lead, but can contribute at a lower level while I'm being trained.

Making a difference

The interest in IAM technology received a significant boost during the coronavirus crisis when everyone suddenly had to work from home, and this interest hasn't waned, even though we're now amidst an economic downturn.
– It's wonderful to work in an industry that isn't sensitive to economic fluctuations. Additionally, we, as a company, have the ability to evolve with what the market demands, says Emina.

At Cloudworks, we're better positioned to embrace and adopt new technology than larger corporations.

She describes IAM as an industry of the future and looks forward to continuing to work for Cloudworks' current and new clients in the coming years:
– Programming and the IAM profession are super exciting, but what truly drives me daily is seeing that what I design and develop makes a real difference for our clients, concludes Emina Karic.