Does your company know who you share company data with?

Does your company know who you share company data with?

When your company uses cloud solutions, you do not own infrastructure where your data is processed. It is the responsibility of the company to ensure that information isn't shared with unauthorized persons. IAM and CASB are two concepts that complement each other and increase control over the sharing of information.

IAM controls who has access 

In a world of cloud solutions, sensitive data is no longer stored and processed entirely within the corporate network. The employees also have access to data using their own devices, connected to public networks, and outside of normal working hours. In such a situation it is particularly important with proper identity management. IAM solutions assist your business in this area by customizing access based on employee needs and responsibilities, maintaining control and oversight of access to sensitive data and ensuring automated and regulatory control over users and rights. 

IAM (Identity Access Management) also assists with external threats. Attackers who intend to steal login details are thwarted and login processes are enhanced by multi-factor authentication which can be customized without limitations regarding application, network, or user role. Employees are only given access to necessary applications and access to corporate applications is lost when they leave the organization. 

Kristian and Doyuong

CASB controls who the information is shared with 

A helpful tool in the effort to avoid internal threats – both planned and accidental – when your company’s data is in the cloud, is to use a CASB solution. Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) is a tool that analyzes and manages the use of cloud applications in an organization. The key challenge addressed by CASB is securing corporate data placed outside the visibility and control of corporate IT – for example, in the cloud and within various cloud services. 

CASB offers an easier and safer way to share data within and outside of the organization. This tool can scan for sensitive data in cloud applications, show where data is retrieved, shared and deleted in the cloud, and show who is doing it. The company also gains an overview of all cloud services used by employees in the organization. CASB vendors often provide recommendations and rankings of given cloud applications in relation to which risk the application constitutes for the organization. Thus, the company is given a better basis for deciding which cloud applications users are allowed to use and which applications must be blocked. 

A large part of the security breaches are caused by employees 

According to the Norwegian survey “Mørketallsundersøkelsen” 2018 carried out by the Norwegian Business and Industry Council, a large part of the security breaches are caused by the employees. The report shows that among Norwegian companies participating in the survey, the causes of security breaches were largely random or due to misfortune, human error, lack of security awareness, inadequate processes, along with inability to follow existing processes. There were also cases in which systems were deliberately abused and disloyal employees had access to the information. 

A large part of security breaches are caused by employees due to chance or misfortune, human error, lack of security awareness, insufficient processes, or inability to follow existing processes.

Mørketallsundersøkelsen 2018


While IAM solutions improve the security of identity management, roles, and access, CASB ensures that employees do not use insecure cloud applications and that they do not share sensitive data internally or externally. Both tools strengthen and automate different processes relating to information security.  IAM and CASB will complement each other and combine to provide your business with appropriate security for users and data in the cloud. 

Zahid, Maria

Solutions adapted to your business 

Cloudworks partners with various suppliers of solutions within IAM and CASB. Our experienced security architects and consultants can help you choose solutions that are tailored to your business’ needs using our GAP analysis, as well as conducting secure configuration and assistance. 

We also offer a comprehensive solution, Cloudworks’ Cloud Security Frameworkwhich can guide you in securing your company’s IaaS and PaaS solutions, improve security controls and data management policies in the cloud, and measure your company’s cloud security.